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Sunday, 30 March 2014

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Cognitive Behavioral Therapy: An Essential Requirement

(CBT) Cognitive behavioral therapy techniques are those that help an individual, or patient, understand the feelings and thoughts that influence behavioral patterns. CBT is a highly effective for the treatment of a variety of conditions that include personality, anxiety, mood, eating, psychotic disorders, substance abuse, and chronic pain treatment. Most therapists that work with patients dealing with chronic pain treatment utilize a blend of this healing method.     

This method of treating a patient is generally short-term as it is focused on helping patients deal with a very specific issue. When the treatment begins, the client will first be taught to identify, and then change the disturbing thought patterns that have a negative impact on their behavior. CBT will not just remove the problems of the patient, but it can also help the patients manage their conditions in a more positive manner.

A key benefit of this treatment method is that it tends to be short, taking just a few months for most emotional and psychiatric problems. During the process of treatment, the client and therapist will work together to understand the problems they face. Through this, they can develop a new strategy for tackling the issues. This method encourages the patient to examine how their actions can affect how they think and feel.

The main objective of such therapy is to teach its patients that while they have no control over every aspect of the world around them, they can take control their very own thoughts, and the ways in which they can deal with and interpret things in their own environment. Cognitive behavioral therapy can also teach the individual how to change their negative patterns to improve the way they feel.

Cognitive behavioral therapy techniques have gained tremendous prominence in recent years amongst both health care professionals and mental health consumers. Since this mode of therapy is usually a short term option, it is often more affordable than various other types of therapies.This method aims to break down factors that make an individual feel bad, scared or anxious so that they are more manageable.

This method is also beneficial in helping individuals prevent relapse and achieve a remission of their disorder. The therapists will have to be collaborative and be able to function as a team with their patients. They even provide rationales and seek their patient’s approval while undertaking interventions. They explain their interventions along with a treatment plan to help patients understand how they will be able to fulfill their objectives and feel better.

One of the greatest benefits of implementing cognitive behavioral therapy techniques is that it can help its patients develop coping skills that can be useful in treating them now and in the future. The technique is focused on highly specific goals and results that can be measured relatively easily. Even though such self-analysis can be a difficult task, but it is a great way for them to learn more about how their internal state of mind can have a drastic impact on one’s outward behavior.

Monday, 24 March 2014

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Get Ready to Reclaim Your Life with Addiction Treatment Services

The decades of scientific research and clinical practice have yielded a variety of effective approaches to drug addiction treatment. Researchers determined several treatment programs, aimed at modifying patient’s behavior and inspiring change. These treatment programs serve as a foundation for overcoming treatment complications while curing severe cases of drug abuse and alcohol addiction. Different therapies and clinical practices are based on tested techniques and proven methodologies 

Addiction treatment services vary from patient to patient, and are designed considering the severity of addiction. There are numerous treatment aimed at modifying your behavior and motivating you to incline towards a sober life. Some of the most effective addiction treatment programs are:

Intensive outpatient program

This program has intense characteristics aimed at empowering individuals to live a sober life. You participate in 3-5 days a week of intensive therapies that feature group activities, fitness sessions, counseling and family interventions. Experts assist you throughout to nourish your mental and physical stature that was affected due to addiction. Though, it is an outpatient program, IOP staff ensures that continual and consistent care is extended on every stage of the program that enables you to begin the process of living more confidently and independently. Successful completion of this program makes you productive in both personal and professional life.

Dual-diagnosis and chronic relapse

Dual-diagnosis is a severe condition where you suffer multiple disorders that work together to deteriorate your mental and physical health. Depression provokes drug abuse and drug abuse lead to depression. Under these circumstances, the chances of relapse propel. This is where experience doctors and clinicians treat you for co-occurring disorders. Professionals define critical components for effective programs, which include a comprehensive long-term staged approach to recovery. The program asserts on motivational interventions, provision of helping you in acquiring skills and supports to manage both illnesses and pursue functional goals.

Inpatient addiction and alcoholism treatment

If you have a history of drug abuse and have undergone treatment previously, then this program is for you. In this program, you are enrolled in an intensive program where you are required to stay for 30, 60 or 90 days in a rehab center. Depending on the severity of addiction, treatment program is designed that addresses different dimensions of addiction. Therapies continue throughout the week, and you are consistently under the scanner of experts. This is just to ensure that you are strictly following the routine that has been developed for your treatment.

These are some of the most effective and proven addiction treatment services. These services are provided by professional and experienced treatment centers. Apart from targeted treatment, they also influence other auxiliary concerns for a speedy recovery. These services prevent individuals from using drugs and achieve productive functioning in the family, at work, and in society. 

HARP provides addiction treatment services that are capable of curing your dependency on substance abuse and alcohol. Their professionals have decades of experience in behavior modification programs with continual care and requisite medication.

Thursday, 6 March 2014

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Overcome the– double demons Substance abuse and depression

As opposed to popular belief substance abuse and alcoholism cannot be strictly classified as a social problem, neither can you shun people with this condition to be morally weak. Addiction is a brain disease that is characterized by chronic or often relapsing behavior, wherein the subject suffers from compulsive drug/alcohol seeking conduct.

This is a delicate condition that needs to be handled with care and proper guidance. Medical science advises a holistic approach to rehabilitating patients. If you are worried about a friend or someone you know, it’s important to understand that help is available. There are several professional programs conducted by experienced medical practitioners/organizations that help patients overcome this condition. The treatment method basically deals with a thorough understanding of the nature of the drug abuse. It would cover various aspects like how the tendency develops, the various symptoms and why it has such a powerful hold on the patient.

Another challenge to treating substance abuse is dual diagnosis and chronic relapse. Addiction is a brain disease; continuous substance abuse causes drastic changes in the structure and function of the brain. Though use of drugs and alcohol is initiated voluntarily by individuals, over time the brain begins to function differently resulting in an intense impulse to take drugs repeatedly.

These very changes in the structural and functional aspects of the brain make it even more challenging to overcome addiction. It affects an individual’s self-control and the ability to make rational decisions. That is why it’s important to understand addiction as a whole and provide an integrated approach to treating the condition. The patient would require all the support and care from his/her family and friends to battle this disease. Treatment centers focus on both behavioral therapies and on counteracting the disruptive effects of addiction. 

As per the Epidemiologic Catchment Area Study conducted by the National Institute on Health one-third of individuals diagnosed with depression had a comorbid substance abuse disorder. Rehabilitation centers now deal with dual diagnosis and chronic relapse as integral facets of their professional program.  Treatment approaches today vary depending on individual patient requirements that cover the patient’s addiction pattern, other medical conditions as well as psychiatric and social problems that have a role in the patient’s recovery.

Double Demons – Substance Abuse and Depression

There are several misconceptions that revolve around addiction and its treatment. Most people assume that overcoming addiction wholly depends on the will power of the patient. But the significant changes in the brain that drug abuse results in, cannot be reversed by sheer force of will. That is exactly why it is important to treat patients as early as possible. The recovery process is better when diagnosed early because - the stronger the addiction, the more difficult it is to treat. Another popular myth is that the patient wouldn’t recover, unless he /she voluntarily want help.  This is not at all true, as when the patient is under the influence of drugs/alcohol they are unable to judge or make rational decisions. But once the treatment begins and they sober-up, most of them realize that it is eventually for their good.

Another frequently discussed issue is that of Relapse. Most friends and relatives of the patient don’t always respond well to relapses. It is important to understand that recovery from drug addiction is a long process that involves several setbacks. Research shows that 54 percent of patients are expected relapse. Also of the patients susceptible to relapse 61 percent would show multiple periods of relapse. During treatment relapse should be seen as a symptom of drug abuse as it is preventable. Social adjustment is key to preventing chronic relapse and the patient should be put back on treatment under such circumstances. Relapse should not be seen as a failure but as a signal to reinstate treatment.

Professional programs that most rehabilitation centers provide encompass different approaches to treating addiction. Most of them have separate Inpatient Addiction and Alcoholism treatment and Intensive Outpatient Programs. Some establishments also provide employee assistance programs to incorporate treatment methods without disrupting your profession and professional life. These centers tailor a healing therapy that takes into account dual diagnosis and chronic relapse to ensure superior medical care and guidance.

Tuesday, 4 March 2014

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Cognitive Behavior Therapy: Its Growing Importance

Cognitive behavior therapy (CBT) is a form of psychotherapeutic treatment, which helps patients understand the feelings and thoughts that influence one’s behavior. CBT is widely used across the globe to treat a wide range of disorders that include depressions, phobias, anxieties, and even addictions. This method of interpersonal therapy is generally conducted in a short-term and is primarily focused on helping clients deal with a very specific problem. 

A key benefit of using Cognitive behavior therapy techniques is that it tends to be done in a short span of time, ranging from about four to seven months for most emotional problems. During the treatment, the client and the therapist will work together to understand what the problems are, and to develop new strategies to tackle them. Cognitive behavior therapy will introduce the clients to a set of principles that can be applied and help them tackle the ailments throughout their lives. 

Cognitive therapy for anxiety will give the client new ways of behaving and thinking, which can help control anxiety in the long-run. During the course of treatment, the client will first learn to identify, and then change his disturbing thought patterns that have a negative impact on behavior. Research shows that cognitive therapy for anxiety is one of the most effective treatments for the management of this disorder. With the help of it, individuals can thus manage their own anxieties and conquer their fears.

The thought patterns of an individual can be extremely negative, when it comes to depression. With cognitive therapy for depression, the therapist and the patient can learn to identify the distorted negative thinking that causes negative emotions. Since they also take over and distort your view of reality, cognitive therapy for depression can be an effective way to defuse those thoughts. In the long run, this treatment procedure will change the way a depressed person sees the world.

Cognitive behavior therapy has gained tremendous popularity in recent years amongst both mental health patients and therapists. Very often, individuals experience certain feelings and thoughts that reinforce or compound faulty belief. This results in problematic behaviors that can affect numerous aspects on one’s life, including family, romantic relationships, friends, academics and work. The behavioral therapists will work closely in order to alter the negative behavior patterns of the patient.

An individual might start avoiding social situations or even pass up a chance to advancement at school or at work. In order to combat these destructive behavioral patterns, cognitive therapy for depression, or cognitive therapy for anxiety will help the client identify the problematic beliefs. The process might not be simple, especially for those who struggle with introspection, but it can ultimately lead identifying one’s self and gaining insights that are an essential part of the behavioral modification therapy.